Saturday, May 21, 2011

Some Pre-Flight Thoughts

With only 9 days left until our departure to Asia, I'm thinking to myself...Are we insane?!  Who thought this was a good idea? lol  Newly graduated, a thousand times poor, and having no clue how we're going to navigate thai culture once we hit the ground, I'm nothing but a mixture of apprehension and being stoked for the ride haha  It'll be a missionary experience of a lifetime, that's for sure.  No doubt in my mind about THAT part.  God is good. Our team is incredible. and we all have a spirit of faith tangled with adventure that is sure to get us through even the most insane moments together.  Man, the other side of the planet... again.  My brain is exhausted. My soul is ready to go.  My body is craving thai food.  My heart? oh my.  Now THAT i need to leave in America. GO THAILAND 2011!!! Woooo!!!


Catharine said...

Lol! Leaving your heart in America, huh? :D I'll be praying that God uses you guys powerfully in Thailand. I have friends in Cambodia if you ever need someone... and you're in Cambodia... yeah. :D Miss you Feeny!

Tanya said...

Get lots of sleep the night before you leave American group. Try to catch some sleep on the plane; for the jet lack will surely be rough...Pack lots of vitamin enriched goodies for the flight and keep that beautiful smile on your face. Good luck and love ya Feeney!

marccox537 said...

God speed to you and the group Pheonix. I'll be praying for you all.